Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Open Letter


An Open Letter To A Bald Man:

Dear Sir,

I am so sorry that my 4 year old realized that not everyone has hair on their heads.

"Mom! Look at that man over there, he has no hair! He is just . . . BALD! Do some people just not have hair on their heads?" 

I am sorry she pointed, I am sorry she looked confused, I am mostly sorry that light took so long to turn green.


The Mother

Monday, October 4, 2010

Life, It Changes


New York:
  • Top Chef
  • American Idol
  • America's Next Top Model
  • Big Love
  • Weeds
  • One Tree Hill
  • Dexter
  • The Office
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • The Practice
  • Desperate Housewives
  • Brothers & Sisters
  • Project Runway
  • Food Network
  • Extreme Makeover Home Edition
  • US of Tara
  • In Treatment
  • Wipeout
  • AFV
That was my life in New York. Once the kids were in bed I turned on the DVR. It is what got me through the day. Knowing there were pointless shows awaiting me. Not necessarily because I wanted to, we just had no life.

  • Glee
  • The Office
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • Dexter

And I'm lucky if I remember to watch those!

Oh what a difference a move makes! We are busy now and I love it.

Breathe in, breathe out, live.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dear Facebook


Dear Facebook,
You have allowed me to keep some of my favorite memories wrapped up in packages and just when I've boxed them up and put them on a shelf, you give me small reminders to remember.
Tonight as I was coming on your site to look at friends pages and play some Scrabble, you put a picture in my right corner that caught my eye.


This picture is one of my favorites and it brought some lovely memories tonight.

My love.

It started with my Sweet Sophia. Her dimples, her shyness, her eyes, and that smile that makes you wonder what she is thinking.


On to Ryan Douglas, my heart. His crooked smile, his crooked little nose. I cannot even imagine my life without my boy to balance the craziness that is having three girls.

Olivia, my free spirit. This girl is smart, funny, and perfect (her own words). She is growing up way too quickly. I'm almost certain she was just a baby last week. She has brought so much joy into our lives. She's a nut!


And Miss Grace. She started it all for me. Finally understanding what people meant, trying to understand the explanation of what it feels like to love a child. She was my entire world. She was my buddy, My Only One. I held her from the time we woke up until the time I put her to bed. She is so sweet, kind, and my helper. And still My Only One.

I would not trade one moment, one second with any of our children for the world. I only hope that I love them enough. I hope that when they go to bed each night they know that I love them with all of my heart and nothing can ever change that.

I have been so blessed.

Life is so short. This past year has been filled with irreplaceable memories and necessary life lessons.

Now, I'm going to go kiss my kids, cover their toes, and whisper how much I love them.



Monday, September 27, 2010

Bicyclist, Beware!


On our way to church tonight there was a bicyclist.

I was trying to decide if I wanted to go around him or just creep behind him for a bit until he passed the drive.

When I slowed down the following conversation took place:

Bub: What are we doing, why are you slowing down?
Me: I'm trying to decide what to do.
Bub: You mean to kill him or not?

I died.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall, where did you go?


Does anyone know where Fall went?

Yesterday was miserable and I'm going to go ahead and blame the temperature. 95, are you kidding me?!

It started Wednesday night with a headache that went from a zero to a ten in about twenty minutes. Insane.

I went to bed.

Thursday morning, I woke up 10 minutes late. That's kind of crazy for a school day. Especially when you already set your alarm for the last possible minute.

Then, it happened! Sophia and Olivia woke up before 7:00. This is never a good thing. Ever.

They woke up crying. Ugh.

So, it's not even 7:00 and I am 10 minutes behind, I have two small girls following me, crying and that is when it hit me. . .


Lunches will have to wait, I will take them in later.

By 11:00 they were down for naps. Olivia attempted a twenty minute power nap. I showed her! I snuggled in bed with her and slept the day away.

Cleaning, nope. Laundry, nope. Unplanned snuggly nap, yup!

I asked Sophia what she wanted for dinner.

Hot dogs and salad? Sold!

The rest of the night was easy. It may have had everything to do with remembering Grey's Anatomy was on at 9:00. That Patrick Dempsey has this calming effect. He had some facial hair last night and was being bad. Yum, I love facial hair on a bad boy.

The kids were in bed by 8:00. My nightly chores were done by 8:50 and Patrick and I were enjoying Tootsie Rolls by 9:10.

Hey, it was a day. Five Tootsie Rolls are perfectly acceptable, that's why I had ten!

This morning I have happy kids and a cup o' coffee.

Olivia has her best fake laugh going on and Sophia is silly. Ryan Douglas got a 100% on a spelling test so we are ordering pizza for dinner. This means no cooking.

(Well, I do have to bake some of those blueberry oatmeal bars.)

This day has potential.

And tomorrow it shall be cool.

AND and! I woke up to an episode of The Office on the DVR. I didn't even know it started last night.

Holy Jim Halpert, Batman!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Oh, a butterfly! Go away, butterfly.
Go . . . away!

Awe. The kitty loves me! Come here, little cat.

Me: You are so funny. Why?
O: Because, Mommy, because.

Me: Let's put your boots on.
O: No thank you.
Me: We gotta go! Let's put your boots on.
O: I said no thank you!

O: I love you, Daddy.
Ryan: I love you.
O: I love you too much.
Ryan: I love YOU too much.
O: I love you too much MORE!

This really my cat. It really cute.

Sometimes, you just have to be thankful.


Sometimes in the every day hussle I lose track of what really matters.

Instead of enjoying life I find myself worrying about appointments and cleaning and laundry and dinner and lunches and school clothes and baths and homework and nonsense.

Truth is, I have been blessed.

Tonight I am going to be thankful for some things:

My husband - My sanity. My best friend. My love.

Alyssa Grace - My sweet girl. My helper.

Ryan Douglas - My heart. My comic relief.

Sophia Faith - My mini me. My smiles.

Olivia Joy - My big girl. My joy.

My Parents - My help. (we're almost there, just a little while longer and we will be out of your house!)

My Friends - Amazing. Supportive. Thoughtful. Did I mention amazing?

Our Church - Laugh if you will, it has changed our family for the better.

Vehicles - We have two of them and they both work!

My husbands job.

AriZona Tea. I love your big white cans.

Life. Love. Happiness.